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A forum for students to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas after their WildED experience!

June 6, 2012

CarbonSmart Action Tracker

Are you taking steps to living CarbonSmart? If so, please share your actions and ideas here to help inspire others!  Please put your first name (only) and school name at the bottom of your post. And remember... your message can be read by anyone who wants to read our blog! : )


Anonymous said...

Nathan: I am walking to school everyday. This prevents pollution from our car. I also turn off the lights when I leave a room. This saves energy.

Anonymous said...

Jack:I walk to school everyday. That helps because it helps stop pollution if you drive a car. I also turn off electricity when I am not using it.

Anonymous said...

Joseph: June.23 -I used cold water whenever I could.
June.25- I walked to school.
June.22. I made a recycled product toy.
Future: I will start a compost. I will have cold showers in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Vianne:I turned off the lights and opened the blinds. this helps stop pollution by not using energy. I can also walk to school this also helps stop pollution because we are not using energy to make the car work and not using oil. I also use a reusable water bottle so i am not creating as much plastic waste from bottled water.

Anonymous said...

Abbey:on June 21 i took a cold shower-saves water.
June 22-walked to store-prevents air pollution.
June 23-carried groceries instead of using plastic bags-prevents pollution.
June 24-opened windows instead of using air conditioning-saves energy.
June 25-rode bikes to school instead of driving-prevents air pollution.
In the future i will start a compost and will start a save the earth club with my friends to make the world a greener place. Rosemary Heights

Anonymous said...

Joseph: June.23 -I used cold water whenever I could.
June.25- I walked to school.
June.22. I made a recycled product toy.
Future: I will start a compost. I will have cold showers in the summer.
- Rosemary Heights Elementary

Anonymous said...

Taeo .Turn off electronics when they're not used.
Less electricity is used.Reuse things. Less wast go's to the dump.

Anonymous said...

Sarah: walk to school everyday. It will help because it won't have green gas. Play outside instead of playing inside. It will help because it saves energy.

Anonymous said...

Nick: I tern off the lights when I leave a room. This saves electricity.

Anonymous said...

Nathan:I will walk more and also turn off the lights when I leave the room. I want to prevent my carbon footprint :)

Anonymous said...

This is kevin speaking
I've been doing the action tracker for a while,& I know that it is helping us. I've done lots of things to save the world ,like stop playing with your ipod touch and you can save the world!

Anonymous said...

sydney: I sometimes walk to the store or bike so that it will not pollute the air like it would if i were to be driving. I turn off any electricity when I am not using it anymore. I sometimes hang my clothes to dry instead of using the electricity from a drying machine

Anonymous said...

Olivia: I turn off my lights when I am not using them. This helps by using less electricity. I plant my own fruits and vegetables. This helps because if you go to a super market you usually go by car, and you usually buy un-local fruits which come from different countries, which comes here by boats and planes.

Anonymous said...

Alaina: I Try to walk to school every day I can.when I do this uses 0 green house gasses,a car does.
I grow food in my backyard,i grow apples, strawberries and tomatoes I also by local food. This saves energy from brining food from other places.I turn off the lights when i am not in the room . this saves energy.I plan to next year start a compost. IMAGINE IF EVERYONE TRIED TO KEEP THE EARTH SAFE AND CLEAN! I think i could last a week without electronics if everyone did it would be a great planet to live on. Just think about it! i play out side a lot so i do not really use electronics much.TRY AD LIVE A GREEN LIFE!

Anonymous said...

Amber:I walked to school everyday. This uses no carbon dioxide and does not pollute earth.
Lately I have been gardening a lot. Plants breath carbon dioxide which is bad for our earth:-)

Anonymous said...

AIDAN:I will walk everyday or cycle to prevent pollution.I will turn my eco- friendly lights of to lower my carbon footprint.I will use reusable containers in my lunch to prevent/make less garbage.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,my name is Waffa
& I opened the window instead of turning on a fan.
By opening a window you don't use the electricity of a fan.

I also car pooled , by car poling it takes less patrol
than taking 2 cars.

Anonymous said...

Megan:I played outside instead of watching T.V.
This can help by saving electricity.I also walked to school. This can help by causing less pollution!

Anonymous said...

Emery:I walked to school everyday.i reuse,reduce and recycle i also plant . it helps earth by not polluting .

Anonymous said...

Ben,i think that wild ed is amazingly helpful. Because i am improving greatly.I have found a program that can help you be carbon smart.I will walk as much as I can, I walk to school everyday. i will also turn off energy sources.

Anonymous said...

Wiktoria: I walk everyday to school .It help to use les things made of oil.I use boxes for art and old tiles.It use less wrapping and paper. I am re-using