Welcome to WildED's Student Blog!

A forum for students to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas after their WildED experience!

June 25, 2012

Kerrisdale Elementary School at Capilano River Regional Park

Hi WildED, 

Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to come to the watershed again this year. We had lots of fun and learned lots as usual!

The kids were all split in teams of 4-5 and they did either a slideshow or a Prezi on what's in the park, why the park is important, and how can we protect it. They presented their work to other students at school and we then voted for the best presentations.

The winner was this Photo Story slideshow with voice over:

The runner-up project was a Prezi slideshow that can be seen here

Thank you,
Marie-Nancy Bourque
Grade 6/7 FI Teacher 
Kerrisdale Elementary School

1 comment:

WildED said...

Wow, awesome video and slideshow! Thanks for keeping us inspired, Kerrisdale Elementary. We hope you had fun!!