Welcome to WildED's Student Blog!

A forum for students to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas after their WildED experience!

October 25, 2011

Queen Alexandra Elementary Completes a WildED-Inspired Action Project!

Dear WildED, Both classes have been fully engaged in a sustainability unit which culminated in the action plan to reduce our school's garbage. Throughout the process they have been making presentations to both staff and students to increase their motivation to fully participate in our overall goal. They have taken (WildED's) carbon footprint test and committed to at least one more action to reduce their mark on the world. They have done an amazing job and have already been recognized by the Vancouver School Board for their amazing efforts.

Once again, we thoroughly enjoyed our (WildED) program and would love to hear about your programs next year. Take care and thanks, Grade 4/5 Classroom Teachers, Queen Alexandra Elementary School, Vancouver

October 3, 2011

Taking Action to help the Planet: Tell Us Your Story!

Now that you've had your WildED experience, we want to know how you will take action to help the planet! Do you plan to make a difference? Please share your stories, experiences, ideas and actions here...